LGBTQI Week: "Limit Your Exposure": Homosexuality in the Mad Men Universe

This review by Carrie Nelson previously appeared at Bitch Flicks on September 1, 2011. It contains spoilers about the first four seasons of Mad Men. 1960s America saw its share of emerging social and political movements—the civil rights movement, second wave feminism and anti-Vietnam activism, just to name a few. And in June 1969, the … Continue reading “LGBTQI Week: "Limit Your Exposure": Homosexuality in the Mad Men Universe”

Reproduction & Abortion Week: Mad Men and The War on Women, 1.0

This is a guest post by Diana Fakhouri. It’s not easy being a lady in the working world today. We’re still fighting for equal pay for equal work, freedom from workplace harassment, and the right to decide what grows (or implants itself) in our uteruses. In all honestly, it’s not terribly different from the drama … Continue reading “Reproduction & Abortion Week: Mad Men and The War on Women, 1.0”

Emmy Week 2011: Mad Men Week Roundup

Cast of Mad Men YouTube Break: How to Drink Like a Mad Man Hey, Brian McGreevy: Vampire Pam Beats Don Draper Any Day by Tami Winfrey Harris McGreevy also conveniently forgets Anne Rice’s vampires. Lestat was in love with Louis, could wear the hell out of some breeches and was also dangerous as fuck. If, … Continue reading “Emmy Week 2011: Mad Men Week Roundup”

Mad Men and the Role of Nostalgia

The cast of Mad Men — aren’t they lovely? There are two significant moments in Mad Men when nostalgia is overtly discussed. The first comes in season one, episode thirteen (“The Wheel”). Don/Dick has just learned that his brother committed suicide, and he brings his feelings about his own past—particularly his strong desire to construct … Continue reading “Mad Men and the Role of Nostalgia”

"Limit Your Exposure": Homosexuality in the Mad Men Universe

This post contains spoilers about the first four seasons of Mad Men. 1960s America saw its share of emerging social and political movements—the civil rights movement, second wave feminism and anti-Vietnam activism, just to name a few. And in June 1969, the modern gay liberation movement was born. The Stonewall riots resulted in gay people … Continue reading “"Limit Your Exposure": Homosexuality in the Mad Men Universe”

Mad Men and Sexual Harassment

This cross-post originally appeared at The Sociological Cinema Click here for video Summary:  Cultural Anthropologist, William M. O’Barr (2010), notes of the popular television show, Mad Men, “[It] is a world of heterosexual, white, male privilege.” O’Barr further observes that “Gender displays recur. The social structure of the office—men in professional positions, women as their … Continue reading “Mad Men and Sexual Harassment”

Mad Men Week: Mad Motherhood

I used to think that I would be the type of mother like Claire Huxtable from The Cosby Show. Calm and together. Beautiful and smart. Making time for a fulfilling career and still having an impromptu musical number complete with costumes in order to illustrate an important life lesson. If my life were a musical … Continue reading “Mad Men Week: Mad Motherhood”

Mad Men Week: Is Mad Men the Most Feminist Show on TV?

Written by Megan Kearns, cross-posted from The Opinioness of the World. So I arrived very late to the Mad Men party. As a self-proclaimed TV connoisseur and a feminist, I’m picky about the shows I choose to let into my life. But due to the urgings of my boyfriend Jeff and my girlfriends Lauren and … Continue reading “Mad Men Week: Is Mad Men the Most Feminist Show on TV?”