Bitch Flicks’ Weekly Picks

On Geekdom and Privilege: Sympathy for the ‘Pretty’? from Racialicious

Sex, Scripts, & Single Ladies from The Crunk Feminist Collective

Riding the Bridesmaids Wave from Women and Hollywood

Wimbledon Likes Their Female Tennis Players Hot and Grunt Free from Feministing

Emmy Watch: Comedy Actresses Fischer, Poehler, Cuoco, Michele, Hatcher from Thompson on Hollywood

Film Corner! from Shakesville

Size double standards are alive and kicking on primetime TV from About-Face

Sex Trafficking Survivors Group to Dilbert Creator: Rape Isn’t “Natural Instinct” from

A note to Hollywood: “maneater” and “sexual criminal” are not interchangeable terms from Feministing

Bad Teacher (review) from Flick Filosopher

Leave your links in the comments!