Bitch Flicks’ Weekly Picks

On Geekdom and Privilege: Sympathy for the ‘Pretty’? from Racialicious

Sex, Scripts, & Single Ladies from The Crunk Feminist Collective

Riding the Bridesmaids Wave from Women and Hollywood

Wimbledon Likes Their Female Tennis Players Hot and Grunt Free from Feministing

Emmy Watch: Comedy Actresses Fischer, Poehler, Cuoco, Michele, Hatcher from Thompson on Hollywood

Film Corner! from Shakesville

Size double standards are alive and kicking on primetime TV from About-Face

Sex Trafficking Survivors Group to Dilbert Creator: Rape Isn’t “Natural Instinct” from

A note to Hollywood: “maneater” and “sexual criminal” are not interchangeable terms from Feministing

Bad Teacher (review) from Flick Filosopher

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Bitch Flicks’ Weekly Picks

Film Corner from Shakesville

Female buddy flick died after ‘Thelma & Louise,’ co-star’s say on film’s anniversary from The Globe and Mail

oh, WTF: “sexy” ‘Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ poster misses the fucking point entirely from The Flick Filosopher

Few Summer Movies Aimed at Women from The New York Times

Tina Fey and Ellen: Making the F Word and the L Word OK for the Masses from Ms. blog

The Bitch High-Five: What’s Your Least Favorite Summer Blockbuster Trope? from Bitch

Call for Submissions for 2012 Athena Film Festival from Athena Film Festival

What if weddings were not framed as “The Event the Will Change Everything”? (Thoughts on the Breaking Dawn trailer and continuing wedding fervor ala Twilight) from Professor, What If?

What’s Wrong with this Picture? from Women and Hollywood

Book pick: Feminism at the Movies: Understanding Gender in Contemporary Popular Cinema by Hilary Radner and Rebecca Stringer

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Bitch Flicks’ Weekly Picks

Men outshouting women on radio from the f-word blog

Why we all need to see Bridesmaids from I Will Not Diet

Thelma and Louise Turns 20 from Women and Hollywood

Does Oprah’s Finale Herald the Rapture? from WIMN’s Voices Blog

Beyonce: Girls Run the World (Cue the Apocalypse!) from Ms. blog

Who Run the World? GIRLS! Who Wrote the Song? MEN! from Goddesses Rising

Dove: Visibly More White Beautiful Skin from Feministe

Short Skirts and Inappropriate Gender Messages in Tide Commercial from Marinagraphy

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Bitch Flicks’ Weekly Picks

Jodie Foster: Even female studio execs ‘see female directors as a risk’ from Los Angeles Times

Cate Marvin Discusses the VIDA Count from Luna Park Review

The FBI’s Definition of Rape: Older Than a Lot of Things from Ms.

Prom Early Reviews: Formulaic Tween Fantasy Flick or Stereotype Reinforcer? from Thompson on Hollywood

Olivia Munn to Bring “Stiletto Feminism,” Sandwich Hatred to Worst TV Show Ever from Tiger Beatdown

The Writers of the Summer Movies from Women and Hollywood

The Love Story that Made Marriage a Fundamental Right from Colorlines 

I know I can fight rape culture by… from Feministe 

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Bitch Flicks’ Weekly Picks

The Jury Awards – International Women’s Film Festival 2011 from Women and Hollywood

A Black Woman’s Plea for Justified – The Red-State Western You Should Be Watching from Racialicious

Redefining Dora: From Explorer to Princess from Marinagraphy

Meek’s Cutoff: Professor Kelly Reichardt’s Filmmaking 101 Primer from Thompson on Hollywood

Tropes vs. Women #3: The Smurfette Principle from Feminist Frequency

Arianna Huffington is a sex symbol from Feministe

Slutwalks and the New Political Incorrectness from Slate XX Factor

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Bitch Flicks’ Weekly Picks

Anna Faris and Women at the Movies: Not a Pretty Picture from Thompson on Hollywood

SNL, Helen Mirren’s Boobs and Older Women’s Sexuality from Women and Hollywood

Net Neutrality is Key for Women’s Media from Ms. Magazine blog

Is American Idol Having Its Most Racist, Sexist Season Yet? from AlterNet

CLPP 2011: Transfeminisms from Feministing

Where Have All The Grrrls Gone? from Jukebox Heroines

Bloody marvellous from The F-Word

Double Dare: Becoming a Stuntwoman in a Man’s World from Gender Across Borders

Media, Misogyny, and Dead Women from Marinagraphy

Life Imitates Art from The Wall Street Journal 

Discussion Thread: The Killing from Shakesville 

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