Tangled: A Feminist Film Review

This guest review by Whitney Mollenhauer first appeared at Not Another Wave in December 2010. Last Friday, I saw Disney’s Tangled with my husband.  I thought it was a pretty good feminist-y movie, especially considering that it was a Disney princess-type movie. Because I am lazy, I have written my review in bullet-point form: Rapunzel’s … Continue reading “Tangled: A Feminist Film Review”

Preview: Pariah

Pariah (2011) Pariah, written and directed by Dee Rees, debuted this past January at Sundance, and Focus Features purchased distribution rights. The film is Rees’ feature debut, and centers around 17-year-old Alike, who is coming to terms with her sexuality and identity as a black lesbian. Gregory Ellwood describes Pariah: Based on a short film … Continue reading “Preview: Pariah”

Ashley Judd Speaks Out About Rape Culture: The Roundup

Ashley Judd Last week, all hell broke loose when an excerpt from Ashley Judd’s new memoir, All That Is Bitter & Sweet, hit the internet. This is the offending passage:  YouthAIDS created hip public service announcements for TV and radio using popular local and international celebrities and athletes and was participating in the MTV World … Continue reading “Ashley Judd Speaks Out About Rape Culture: The Roundup”

Guest Writer Wednesday: The Girl Who Played with Fire

Good Girl Gone Bad: Noomi Rapace as Lisbeth Salander Burns Up the Screen in The Girl Who Played with Fire This is a cross post from Opinioness of the World. I’ve been utterly consumed by Swedish author Stieg Larsson’s gripping Millennium Trilogy (I’ll be reading the third book soon…so excited!).  I loved the first film, … Continue reading “Guest Writer Wednesday: The Girl Who Played with Fire”

Bitch Flicks’ Weekly Picks

Women Still a Rarity in Top Film Jobs from the Los Angeles Times: “Women held 16% of key jobs such as director and producer on the top 250 films of 2010 (as measured by domestic box-office receipts), according to the Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film at San Diego State University. … Continue reading “Bitch Flicks’ Weekly Picks”

Review in Conversation: Black Swan

Sometimes a movie needs more than a review–it needs a discussion. See our previous Reviews in Conversation here and here. Nina is cracking… Amber’s Take:There’s a lot to say about Black Swan, and the more I think about it, the fewer definitive, and perhaps positive things I have to say. Before getting too ahead of … Continue reading “Review in Conversation: Black Swan”

Guest Writer Wednesday: The Black Play Thing on The Big C

Cross posted at Womanist Musings. Let me say from the start that I take no issue with inter-racial relationships. I do however have a problem when Black sexuality is used as a device in the media. Much of  last Monday’s episode had to do with sexuality. Cathy, played by Laura Linney, is dying of cancer … Continue reading “Guest Writer Wednesday: The Black Play Thing on The Big C”

Guest Writer Wednesday: THE DILEMMA Preview

Cross-posted at Shakesville. THIS LOOKS GREAT!!! (That was sarcasm.) Here’s the trailer for a fun new movie—coming in January to a theater near you!—from Ron Howard, starring (big voice) Vince Vaughn, Kevin James, and (little voice) Queen Latifah, Jennifer Connelly, and Winona Ryder, about the conundrumpredicament dilemma (!) in which Vaughn finds himself after discovering … Continue reading “Guest Writer Wednesday: THE DILEMMA Preview”

The Roundup: Lady Gaga’s "Telephone" featuring Beyoncé

We don’t usually talk about music videos here at Bitch Flicks, but for Lady Gaga we’ll make an exception. With the release of her nearly 10-minute long music video, the blogosphere lit up. Here’s a sampling of what we found regarding Gaga & Beyoncé, feminism, trans-phobia, exploitation, ironic product placement, female empowerment, the prison of … Continue reading “The Roundup: Lady Gaga’s "Telephone" featuring Beyoncé”

Guest Post: Tara is Better Not United

  This guest post also appears at Professor, What If… and the Ms. Magazine blog. As I began watching the second-season premiere of the Showtime series The United States of Tara, I eagerly ask what I always do before an episode starts: “Which ‘alter’ will it be this time?” Alas, to my dismay, the show’s … Continue reading “Guest Post: Tara is Better Not United”

Review in Conversation: ‘Sex and the City: The Movie’

Welcome to our second installment of the Review in Conversation: Sex and the City: The Movie. Our first RiC discussed the film Black Snake Moan.I had liked the early seasons of Sex and the City when it was on HBO, and while acknowledging its problems–unawareness of class most troubling, though in the late 90s perhaps … Continue reading “Review in Conversation: ‘Sex and the City: The Movie’”