Emmy Week 2011: Leslie Knope

Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope “It’s a great time to be a woman in politics… Get on board and buckle up, ‘cos my ride’s gonna be a big one.” In the Parks and Recreation pilot, Leslie Knope made clear the extent of her political ambitions. But it was also clear that she was deluded. The Deputy Director of … Continue reading “Emmy Week 2011: Leslie Knope”

Emmy Week 2011: Glee!

Not since E! has any one thing on television been so damn exclamatory. Glee! celebrated its everyman song-and-dance style before its slushy flying face-offs ever aired. After a Journey-style breakthrough and myriad episodes featuring pop music gone oh so right, the show ended its first Emmy award-winning season and began a second. Can the plotlines … Continue reading “Emmy Week 2011: Glee!”

In Appreciation of Fathers Who Have Daughters

Joel and Heather, New Year’s Releasing Balloons for Joel On Wednesday, May 25th, my brother-in-law committed suicide. (Yes, I know the obituary says he died on March 25th, and if Joel were here, we’d be laughing our asses off at that completely unacceptable typo. He’d be like, “Did the funeral home seriously screw up my … Continue reading “In Appreciation of Fathers Who Have Daughters”

Guest Writer Wednesday: ‘X-Men First Class’: I Like it, but WTF?

X-Men First Class, 2011, Matthew Vaughn =”center”> The X-Men franchise. I’ve been a fan of this ragtag team of mutants since the first movie was released (afterwards diving into the world of comics). The movies, along with their source material, have always been clear in their metaphorical status: These are not just mutants, these are … Continue reading “Guest Writer Wednesday: ‘X-Men First Class’: I Like it, but WTF?”

Guest Writer Wednesday: Howl’s Moving Castle and Male Adaptations of Female Work

This piece by Emily Belanger is cross-posted from Not Another Wave. The first time I saw Howl’s Moving Castle, five or six years ago, I was delighted. I’d seen Spirited Away, but other than that I’d never seen any Miyazaki films, and as far as Miyazaki films go, HMC is a tad more accessible to … Continue reading “Guest Writer Wednesday: Howl’s Moving Castle and Male Adaptations of Female Work”

Degrassi, Teens, and Rape Apologism

This guest post by Marcia Herring previously appeared at Feministing. A recent plot line in popular teen drama Degrassi: the Next Generation featured what was, for all rights and purposes, date rape. Instead of taking the standard track for the show, Degrassi ignored the issue and made the abusive actions of character Declan all right … Continue reading “Degrassi, Teens, and Rape Apologism”

Avatar: Only Slightly Less Imaginative Than a Bruce Springsteen Song

This guest post by Nine Deuce also appears at her blog Rage Against the Man-Chine. I know, I’m the last person in the industrialized world to see Avatar, but I waited for several reasons. First, I was under the impression that it was based on a video game, rather than the basis for a video … Continue reading “Avatar: Only Slightly Less Imaginative Than a Bruce Springsteen Song”

Ashley Judd Speaks Out About Rape Culture: The Roundup

Ashley Judd Last week, all hell broke loose when an excerpt from Ashley Judd’s new memoir, All That Is Bitter & Sweet, hit the internet. This is the offending passage:  YouthAIDS created hip public service announcements for TV and radio using popular local and international celebrities and athletes and was participating in the MTV World … Continue reading “Ashley Judd Speaks Out About Rape Culture: The Roundup”

Guest Writer Wednesday: Sucker Punch

Sucker punched by “Sucker Punch”– Girls and guns don’t equal female empowerment This is a cross-post from What Tami Said. This really is the best movie ever cuz its like hollywood finally said to me Fuk yeah you my man are all we care about heres some awesome shit for you to get off on and … Continue reading “Guest Writer Wednesday: Sucker Punch”

Guest Writer Wednesday: The Blind Side: The Most Insulting Movie Ever Made

This cross-post first appeared at Rage Against the Man-chine on June 11, 2010. Davetavius and I consider ourselves the world’s foremost authorities on watching movies for reasons other than those intended by their producers. As such, we go way beyond just watching “cheesy” (whatever that means) movies, 80s movies, or kung fu movies (which I … Continue reading “Guest Writer Wednesday: The Blind Side: The Most Insulting Movie Ever Made”

Guest Writer Wednesday: The Girl Who Played with Fire

Good Girl Gone Bad: Noomi Rapace as Lisbeth Salander Burns Up the Screen in The Girl Who Played with Fire This is a cross post from Opinioness of the World. I’ve been utterly consumed by Swedish author Stieg Larsson’s gripping Millennium Trilogy (I’ll be reading the third book soon…so excited!).  I loved the first film, … Continue reading “Guest Writer Wednesday: The Girl Who Played with Fire”