Director Spotlight: Sofia Coppola

Sofia Coppola with her Oscar for Best Original Screenplay for Lost in Translation Sofia Coppola is one of only four women ever nominated for a Best Director Academy Award, and was the first woman from the United States to achieve the honor. Her nomination was for Lost in Translation, for which she won the Oscar … Continue reading “Director Spotlight: Sofia Coppola”

Best Picture Nominee Review Series: Toy Story 3

Toy Story is the fourth film featured in our series of reviews leading up to the 2011 Academy Awards ceremony.  Be sure to check out our reviews of Black Swan, Inception, and Winter’s Bone. Third Time Still Not the Charm for Toy Story’s Female Characters This guest post also appears at the Ms. Magazine Blog … Continue reading “Best Picture Nominee Review Series: Toy Story 3”

Review in Conversation: Black Swan

Sometimes a movie needs more than a review–it needs a discussion. See our previous Reviews in Conversation here and here. Nina is cracking… Amber’s Take:There’s a lot to say about Black Swan, and the more I think about it, the fewer definitive, and perhaps positive things I have to say. Before getting too ahead of … Continue reading “Review in Conversation: Black Swan”

Ripley’s Pick: ‘Winter’s Bone’

Winter’s Bone I first saw Winter’s Bone last summer. I remember leaving the theatre feeling that I’d never seen a film quite like the one I’d just watched. The viewing experience had left me mentally exhausted; more than an hour-and-a-half of tension and suspense made me incapable of arguing exactly why the film was so … Continue reading “Ripley’s Pick: ‘Winter’s Bone’”

Ripley’s Pick: Parks and Recreation Seasons 1 & 2

Two seasons of the NBC comedy Parks and Recreation have already aired, and it returns for a third season on NBC next Thursday, January 20th. If you haven’t yet watched Parks and Recreation, you should really consider it–because it’s the best comedy on network television. (Both seasons are available for streaming on Netflix, all episodes … Continue reading “Ripley’s Pick: Parks and Recreation Seasons 1 & 2”

Oscar Acceptance Speeches, 1995

Leading up to the 2011 Oscars, we’ll showcase the past twenty years of Oscar Acceptance Speeches by Best Actress winners and Best Supporting Actress winners. (Note: In most cases, you’ll have to click through to YouTube in order to watch the speeches, as embedding has been disabled at the request of copyright owners.) Best Actress … Continue reading “Oscar Acceptance Speeches, 1995”

Quote of the Day: Susan J. Douglas

Enlightened Sexism: The Seductive Message that Feminism’s Work is Done by Susan J. Douglas Note: all boldface is my emphasis, not the author’s. Today, feminist gains, attitudes, and achievements are woven into our cultural fabric. So the female characters created by Shonda Rhimes for Grey’s Anatomy, to choose just one example, reflect a genuine desire … Continue reading “Quote of the Day: Susan J. Douglas”

Guest Writer Wednesday: Night Catches Us

This guest post first appeared at Arielle Loren, daily musings for ladies and curious men. Seeing My Reflection In Film: Night Catches Us Struck a Chord With Me It is rare that a film invades my imagination to the point of insomnia. After seeing Tanya Hamilton’s Night Catches Us starring Kerry Washington and Anthony Mackie, … Continue reading “Guest Writer Wednesday: Night Catches Us”

Guest Writer Wednesday: That Glee Photo Shoot

Cross-posted at Fannie’s Room and Shakesville. So, there is this. View the slideshow (warning: might not be safe for some workplaces). I love Glee. I sometimes am annoyed by it, but generally, I appreciate its ode to geekiness. I also do sometimes like looking at photos of attractive women (and men), if the photos are … Continue reading “Guest Writer Wednesday: That Glee Photo Shoot”

The Social Network Roundup

Most of the commentary out there on The Social Network focuses on its awesomeness and front-runner status for this year’s Best Picture Academy Award. Plus, the film won its opening weekend’s box office, even though it’s numbers were lower than anticipated. While it very well may be a brilliantly-made film, one thing we can’t ignore … Continue reading “The Social Network Roundup”

Guest Writer Wednesday: The 40% Figure

Cross posted at Wellywood Woman  There’s so much discussion about the Bechdel Test now (see links below for some examples). I love it all, am interested that men are writing about the test. AND I relate to @marnen’s tweet: “I’m feeling snarky enough to propose the Laibow-Koser test: can 2 female writers have a conversation … Continue reading “Guest Writer Wednesday: The 40% Figure”

Director Spotlight: Agnès Varda

Agnes Varda I came to Agnès Varda late and by accident. A couple of years ago, scanning Netflix for something interesting to watch, I found The Gleaners and I, and determined it was one of my favorite movies in a very long time. Only then did I look her up and learn how famous and … Continue reading “Director Spotlight: Agnès Varda”