Bitch Flicks’ Weekly Picks

DGA Says ‘No’ to Women from Works By Women

‘Thelma & Louise’ at 20 from Macleans

The Tony Awards, 2011 from The Feminist Spectator

Tropes vs. Women: #4 The Evil Demon Seductress from Bitch Media

At Cannes, Women With Diverse Visions from the New York Times

Hollywood’s Diversity Problem Predictably Blamed On The Recession from Jezebel

Magazines, T.V. and Disney: The Negative Portrayal of Beauty in the Media from fbomb

The 10 Most Powerful Women in Television from Ad Week

Achilles Effect: Boys, Pop Culture, and Gender from Achilles Effect

Rape Is Still Rape, and No Still Means NO! from Ms. Magazine

Sound-Off: Is Beyonce Sending the Wrong Message? from Essence

Leave your links in the comments!

[UPDATE: All links should actually work now.]