Bitch Flicks’ Weekly Picks

Check out what we’ve been reading this week–and let us know what you’ve been reading/writing in the comments!


Hollywood Movies With Strong Female Roles Make More Money by Versha Sharma and Hanna Sender at Vocativ

Thoughts on Women and The Wolf of Wall Street by Andi Zeisler at Bitch Media

What The Wolf of Wall Street Is Missing: The Women by Joanne Lipman at TIME

‘Her’ is a Futuristic Tale With 21st Century Sexism by Michelle Juergen at PolicyMic

Girls on Film: Hollywood’s 4 percent problem by Monika Bartyzel at The Week

Make Her as Likeable as Possible and Other Advice Filmmakers Should Ignore by Sarah Knight at Women and Hollywood

Oscars get political with Pussy Riot film setting the pace for best documentary by Vanessa Thorpe at The Guardian

Black Film Theory: Fighting the Illusions of White Supremacy in Cinematic Narration – Part One by Andre Seewood at Shadow and Act

Filmmaker Shola Lynch’s New Role in Bringing Our Stories to the Masses by Keli Goff at The Root

The Most Anticipated Films of 2014 by Inkoo Kang at Women and Hollywood


What have you been reading/writing this week? Tell us in the comments!