Bitch Flicks’ Weekly Picks

Check out what we’ve been reading this week–and let us know what you’ve been reading/writing in the comments!


Watch online: MAKERS – Women in Comedy

Siskel and Ebert made their own ‘tropes vs. women’ video in 1980 by Ben Kuchera at Polygon

8 Incredible Female Directed films at VIFF

What Country’s Film Industry Has the Best Gender Equity? by Sarah Mirk at Bitch Media

Issa Rae’s Color Creative Calls for TV Diversity by Margeaux Johnson at Ebony

12 Times Leslie Knope Totally Nailed Being a Feminist by Isis Madrid at GOOD

Does Television Spanglish Need A Rewrite? by Jasmine Garsd at NPR

So, What Kind of Girl Is She? The Critics’ Appraisal of Lena Dunham by Maggie Lange at Vulture

The NFL’s Domestic Violence Problem and Our Race Problem by Jessica Luther at Vice Sports

Another day, another incongruous casting choice: Catherine Zeta-Jones to play Colombian drug lord Griselda Blanco by Soraya Nadia McDonald at The Washington Post

Three New Sci-Fi Epics With Female Protagonists in Development by Inkoo Kang at Women and Hollywood


What have you been reading/writing this week? Tell us in the comments!