This guest post by Kylie Sparks appears as part of our theme week on the Brat Pack.
We all remember the first time we saw The Breakfast Club, that wonderful John Hughes ode to Saturday morning detention at Shermer High School (and as a full disclaimer, it’s one of my favorite films).
At first, we saw five teenagers as the Brain, the Athlete, the Basket Case, the Princess, and the Criminal–perfectly neat archetypes in the basic high school caste system, but they actually were five kids who saw the world more than just through their own designated lens. As Brian Johnson (Anthony Michael Hall, or the “Brain”) narrates, “You see us as you want to see us – in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions.” At the end of the film, each character grew to explore what would happen across party lines (the Athlete and the Basket Case, the Princess and the Criminal, the Brain becoming his own entity of independence, and the Basket Case being “made over” by the Princess to become another Princess) and we knew their lives were forever changed by that one Saturday in detention.
It’s awesome to see teenagers explore their own identities and not conform to their own archetypes, but if we examine Brat Pack Cinema and how archetypes are portrayed throughout the 1980s coming-of-age films, there is a common trend. High school boys in Brat Pack films are allowed to be the jock, the nerd, the best friend, the weirdo, the leading male, and any other category a person would see themselves in and be multifaceted, while high school girls in Brat Pack Cinema fell under two categories: the Princess or the Oddball. While The Breakfast Club is a classic example of defining the Princess and the Oddball, several other films in Brat Pack Cinema cling to this dynamic, only showcasing that high school girls fall into these two categories with no in between.

Sixteen Candles, which starred Breakfast Club alums Molly Ringwald and Anthony Michael Hall, as well as Michael Shoeffling, Gedde Watanabe, and Brat Pack regulars John Cusack and Haviland Morris, showcases classic archetypes in Brat Pack Cinema: the Athlete/All-American (Shoeffling), the Awkward Princess (Ringwald), the Prom Queen (Morris), the Geek (Hall, Cusack), the Exchange Student/Geek (Watanabe), and the female Oddball (Deborah Pollack, playing The Donger’s girlfriend Marlene or “Lumberjack”). While Ringwald’s character is supposed to be an “awkward” girl on the verge of turning 16, she is cast as our Girl Next Door Princess to be a contrast to Morris’ Prom Queen Princess as “everything she isn’t.”
Given Ringwald’s prominence in the Brat Pack as a leading lady (no matter if she is deemed “awkward,” “poor,” or the “every girl”), she is still viewed as a Princess. Ringwald’s sister in the film is also a classic Princess, as everyone is preparing for her beautiful wedding and forgets Ringwald’s birthday is at the same time. Our only female character who is not billed as a Princess is our Oddball, Marlene. Marlene is also called the “Lumberjack” as she is a strong female athlete who begins dating The Donger (Watanabe), but because of her stature and strength, she is not classified as a Princess, leaving her to be relegated to Oddball status.
While the argument can be made that Sixteen Candles came out a year before The Breakfast Club, the archetype lines are solid. You can categorize the men in various archetypes in Sixteen Candles, but women can only fit inside the boxes of Oddball or Princess with no in between. Pretty in Pink follows a similar archetype map to Sixteen Candles, with Ringwald as the “Poor Outcast” Princess and Andrew McCarthy as the “All-American,” James Spader as “The Douchebag/Criminal” and Jon Cryer as the “Best Friend/Brain.”

Other films in Brat Pack Cinema that don’t include The Breakfast Club stars and feel worlds apart from the triumvirate of The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, and Pretty in Pink also follow this same archetype map of Princess/Oddball versus more diverse male archetypes in High School. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is a classic example. Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick), although he’s viewed as a “snot-nosed punk” by Principal Rooney (Jeffrey Jones), actually also falls into the “Popular Everyman” archetype of the high school caste system, adored by all the students –“the sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dickheads…they think he’s a righteous dude” as Rooney’s assistant Grace (played by Edie McClurg) informs Rooney. Ferris’ best friend is Cameron Frye (Alan Ruck), who on first appearance would fall into the “Freak” archetype, also falls into different archetypes as the Rich Kid, and by being Ferris’ best friend, Popular by Association.
Charlie Sheen’s appearance as the kid in the police station falls under the classic “Criminal” archetype, but we don’t know the rest of his background and he could fall under different archetypes. While our male characters are multifaceted, our two prominent female high school characters, Jeanie (Jennifer Grey) and Sloane (Mia Sara) are seen solely as Princesses. Sloane is a classic Princess–pretty and popular. Jeanie, although misunderstood and somewhat of an outcast, is also a Princess falling in line with Ringwald’s classic “every girl” princesses she portrays in Sixteen Candles and Pretty in Pink. Neither one would be classified as Oddballs based on the criteria presented in Brat Pack Cinema, and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off does not provide any leading, prominent female characters in the high school caste system other than various forms of Princesses.

Say Anything… is also an interesting film to look at in terms of male archetypes versus the Female Princess/Oddball structure since its male lead, John Cusack, played different high school archetypes in Brat Pack Cinema. In this case, in Say Anything… Cusack played iconic underachiever Lloyd Dobler, making millions of hearts break by lifting a boom box playing “In Your Eyes” by Peter Gabriel outside Diane Court (Ione Skye)’s window. Diane is a classic Princess–beautiful, rich, high school valedictorian, and the object of Lloyd Dobler’s dreams. Although Lloyd and Diane have a rocky relationship the summer after high school–between falling in love and breaking up, ultimately–Lloyd has crossed party lines, the Underachievers, to date and fall in love with the Princess, eventually going with her to London for her fellowship. Our female Oddballs are Lloyd’s fellow underachiever friends Corey Flood (Lili Taylor) and D.C. (Amy Brooks); however, with the focus of the film being the relationship between the Underachiever and the Princess as well as the Princess’ father being investigated by the IRS, this is a love story between two classic crossing archetypes we see in Brat Pack Cinema, especially since a few years before, we saw The Princess and The Criminal fall in love in The Breakfast Club.
While we examine character archetypes in High School Brat Pack Cinema, it is also important to examine the actors. Previously, Cusack played a geek (Bryce in Sixteen Candles) and the Artistic Romantic in One Crazy Summer, and with his role as the Underachiever in Say Anything…, it highlights a point that men in Brat Pack cinema may get the opportunity to portray different archetypes in the high school era. Only one female Brat Pack regular comes to mind in portraying both the Princess and the Oddball in High School: Ally Sheedy. Sheedy played Matthew Broderick’s girlfriend Jennifer in WarGames, but also played Allison Reynolds in The Breakfast Club. Every other female in the high school era of Brat Pack films plays either the Princess or the Oddball.

After examining these four films (as well as looking at several others), there is the question of how we present teenagers in entertainment today so we do not fall into the trap of basing characters on the Brat Pack high school female archetypes of Princess and Oddball, especially since very rarely do we allow girls to cross these lines unless the Oddball is given a makeover into a Princess and not vice versa. While today’s entertainment sources a lot of inspiration from Brat Pack Cinema, especially the high school-coming-of-age era of Brat Pack Cinema, we have to be very aware that we do not fall into the trap of embracing multifaceted male characters and yet only providing a Princess/Oddball dynamic with female characters. Not all of us fall into the Brain, the Athlete, the Basket Case, the Princess, and the Criminal, and while we can look to Brat Pack Cinema for inspiration to create new projects for our generation and generations to come, archetypes are suggestions, not the end-all be-all for characters in entertainment.