Please pardon our mess!

We have lots of people tell us they like our site.

We also have people who tell us the site looks stuck in 1999.

We hope you’ll be patient with us as we try to bring Bitch Flicks‘ design into the 21st century.

2 thoughts on “Please pardon our mess!”

  1. I have to say that I really liked your old design. It was clean, simple, easy to navigate, and had large font (you can never go wrong with Verdana :D). The navigation bar was a little busy and long because of your blogroll length but that was OK. Can’t wait to see how your website will turn out!

  2. Thanks, Christine! We’re in the midst of a bigger redesign, so what’s on the site now will not be permanent. We hope the new one will be much easier to navigate, while still being simple and clear. :)

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