Call for Writers: Independent Spirit and Academy Award Nominees

For the past several years leading up to the Academy Awards ceremony, we’ve published reviews of all the nominees for best picture. (Go here for roundups of each series: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.) However, we’ve decided this year to also include nominees for the Independent Spirit Awards. Why? Because the Oscars are basically a fucking joke. The main reason we give any credence at all to an awards show that recognizes the film contributions of heterosexual white men is because, as we’ve said many times in the past, studying and analyzing pop culture means studying and analyzing what our society currently values as “important.” And let’s face it:  the Academy Awards are The Biggest Deal in the movie industry.
I highly recommend checking out Megan Kearns’ post, “The 2012 Oscar Nominations … a Sea of White Dudes,” in which she discusses this year’s disappointments, and some disappointing facts about the Oscars in general:
The Oscars are a white male bonanza. In 84 years, only 4 women (!!!) have ever been nominated for a Best Director Oscar. Only one, Kathryn Bigelow, ever won. In producing, only 7 women have won the Best Picture award, all as co-producers with men. Only 15 women have won Best Screenplay (7 women for Adapted Screenplay with 1 woman winning twice, 8 women for Original Screenplay). Only 4 women of color have been nominated as screenwriters. No women of color have ever been nominated as a producer or director. These stats are shameful.

Exactly. So this year, we’re highlighting the Independent Spirit Award nominees too. The Oscar ceremony airs Sunday, Feb. 26th, and the Spirit Award ceremony airs the day before. So we’ll publish all reviews two weeks prior, beginning Monday, February 13th.  
BONUS! We’re also accepting character analysis pieces for the women nominated in the acting categories! For an idea of what we mean by “character analysis” definitely read the fabulous (and very popular) piece on Parks & Rec‘s Leslie Knope by Diane Shipley. 
All submissions must be received no later than Friday, February 10th. Email us at btchflcks(at)gmail(dot)com if you’d like to contribute a review. We accept original pieces or cross-posts.
The following list contains a mix of all the nominees in both categories. We’ll be crossing them off as people claim them, so email us right away if you know which film review/character analysis you’d like to contribute.

NOTE: An UPDATED list appears at this link.