Bitch Flicks’ Weekly Picks

What if women were piloting the scripts rather than just starring in them? A review of Pan Am from Professor, What If …

I Watched the Fall Premieres So You Don’t Have To from Feminist Frequency

“Law and Order: Mutilated Women Unit” ep cleverly appeals to multiple niche fetishes at once from I Blame the Patriarchy

No, Kirsten Dunst does not like the term “Manic Pixie Dream Girl” from A. V. Club

The Highest Paid Women in Entertainment — 2011 from Women and Hollywood

Sigourney Weaver’s preference for ‘pure’ parts from

Brooklyn Readies for the 14th Annual Reel Sisters Film Festival from FortGreenPatch

Lynne Ramsay: ‘Just talk to me straight’ from The Guardian

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