We’re a few weeks late with this but thought it was important to mention.

From the Web site:
“The Student Academy Awards is a national competition conducted by the Academy and the Academy Foundation. Each year over 500 college and university film students from all over the United States compete for awards and cash grants, with films being judged in four categories: Animation, Documentary, Narrative and Alternative. An outstanding student filmmaker from outside the U.S. is honored each year as well. The presentation ceremony is a popular event that is annually attended by a capacity audience in the Academy’s Samuel Goldwyn Theater.”
This year, out of the thirteen total awards given, five of the winners were women.
Alternative Film
Robyn Yannoukos, University of California, Los Angeles
Gold Medal Winner: “Alice’s Attic”
Documentary Film
Liz Chae, Columbia University
Gold Medal Winner: “The Last Mermaids”
Silver Medal Winners: “The Wait”
Bronze Medal Winner: “A Place to Land”
You can watch their acceptance speeches and clips from their films here.